Meet Burr & Burton Academy Junior and Huddle Leader, Erin Scott
"I grew up going to church. My grandparents went every Sunday, and I always wanted to be with them, so I would go with. But from the ages of 1-14ish it wasn’t necessarily my choice.
I kept going to church on and off until I was about 13, or 14, but then I paused. I got busy with sports, friends, and anything else… so I just stopped going. I felt like there was no reason for me to be there other than the fact my grandparents were there. I wanted to be outside running around with my friends, instead of sitting for an hour. At that time, most of my friends didn’t believe in God, so I felt like I had no one my age to talk to about what or how I was feeling, and I grew further apart from God. I stopped going to church, and I really did even pray anymore. I never stopped believing in God, but I definitely did grow apart from him.
Some time passed, and all of a sudden I was in high school. There was this club called FCA (Fellowship of Christian athletes) and I decided why not attend one meeting to see what I think. The meetings happen every Wednesday morning before school starts. Anna, one of my soccer friends, was already planning on going, so at least I’d know someone. They were also advertising free breakfast sooo! When we walked into the room there were already around 10 people there and a big box of donuts! We read a couple bible verses, and talked about them. We talked about sports, and ate a lot of food. I made many friends in that group, and we talked about anything and everything. After attending a couple of those meetings, I started wanting to go to church again, and wanting to read more bible verses so that way I could contribute more to the FCA conversation.
Then, my sophomore year I joined the BBA Nordic team. The people on that team are so nice, caring, and funny, and I loved hanging out with them! Ben and Tobias (two guys on the Nordic team) invited a group of us to the Northshire Baptist Church in Manchester and I decided I wanted to go.
As we pulled into the church parking lot, there were so many kids running around, and kids my age too! The pastor preached exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. He talked about how to connect with God but also remembering that everyone’s story on how they connect with him is different. I kept going back and I took in every moment of the sermons instead of knowingly spacing out like I did when I was younger. The Northshire Baptist Church, and the people there, helped me reconnect with God. On my own terms. I was actually connecting with God again. It wasn’t only about the people that attend each church anymore. It was about being able to go to church and wanting to go."